Thursday, October 9, 2008

Obama's "Tax Cuts"

Obama has been claiming for some time that he is proposing tax cuts for 95% of Americans. The problem with this is that one-third of Americans do not pay income taxes, thereby making it literally impossible to give 95% of the population a tax cut.

Does that mean that Obama is lying? No, but it means he is packaging something else with a false label. That something else is taking money from some taxpayers and giving it to everyone else. I'll leave it to The Economist, in this article, to clarify what I mean:

"Fact-checkers quibble that, according to his written plans, he really means 95% of families with children, not 95% of Americans. But his real sleight-of-hand is to count handouts administered through the tax code as “tax cuts”. You might think that a tax cut means keeping more of what you earn. The way Mr Obama uses the phrase, however, it can also mean being given a chunk of money that someone else has earned. That is how he is able to offer “tax cuts” to “95% of Americans” when about a third of American households already pay no federal income tax."

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