Friday, September 5, 2008

McCain's Speech: The Maverick Returns

McCain gave a compelling speech last night telling Americans the basis of his candidacy: to take on the vested interests, to end the excessive partisanship, and to seek ideas from both parties to solve America's problems. McCain is no orator, and his speech came across as flat at times. However, at times it was moving. In the midst of describing how his Vietnam experience shaped him into the maverick that he is, he did the unexpected-- he said "they broke me." His story was not one of triumph, or of a man conquering all the odds, but rather one of being broken and having his old self give rise to a new self. To me, this makes him deserving of even more respect. In life growth usually comes not through accomplishment and strength and self-aggrandizement. It comes during those moments when life seems bleak, when opportunities seem nowhere, and when strength seems to be slipping away. At the end of that tunnel, provided we allow it, comes redemption, wisdom, and character.

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