Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Immigration Update

Any Mexiracists who believe in Aztlán, annexation, or who fall into the 58% group in this poll can be deported as far as I care. You'd think that across the border they have enough things to deal with like, oh, I don't know, rampant drugs, corruption, crime, poverty, and squalor, before turning theirs eyes onto land they lost fair and square looong ago...

Aside from these folks (who clearly have no intention of ever considering themselves US citizens, let alone assimilating), most immigrants come here for more worthy purposes. With that in mind, I proposed what I did in my previous post.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It's not that big a deal. Bush and Fox and whoever the Canadian Prime Minister is have put the plan into action to form the North American Union, to create one supranational state. We'll finally be able to follow the great example set by Europe. So our land is Mexico's, and Mexico's is ours. It's like marriage, with all the shared body stuff. Mexico will share their tortillas and agricultural work with us, and we can share our exploitative corporations with them. Later we can merge the various unions into one big global community, where everyone can be equal. Amnesty's the first step, to import a large enough population from mexico to create a voting bloc. Yay equality!